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- Dear ShareWare Vendor:
- This file contains our distribution policy and information on all products.
- ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
- Compass / New England has a simple distribution policy: You have permission
- to distribute our shareware as long as you:
- * identify it as shareware (with an appropriate definition)
- * leave all intellectual property (copyright) notices in place
- ...and as long as we do not request that you stop.
- That's it.
- You may archive our programs, unarchive them, include/exclude optional files
- (like this one), include them with other programs on the same diskette, and do
- essentially anything you want as long as you follow these simple rules. We
- want the widest possible distribution, and don't want to stand in your way so
- long as you are honest with our mutual customer.
- We suggest that you include all files with the same name (TimeTrac.exe,
- TimeTrac.doc, TimeTrac.rev) in your distribution together with the file
- register.doc. You may choose to include all or a part of this file with your
- distribution at your option.
- Our normal distribution sequence is:
- 1 New versions are offered to our registered users and are automatically
- shipped to new registrants.
- 2 Next, new versions are posted on CIS.
- 3 Then, we send copies of major revisions of software to vendors who have
- notified us of their interest (see below).
- 4 Finally, all ASP associate members will receive copies of major updates in
- the regular ASP mailing. This saves vendors and authors both money and
- effort; if you are not an ASP vendor member, please consider joining.
- If you are willing to go one step further, we will provide updates as they
- become available. If you are a catalog house, send us a copy of the catalog
- in which the program appears, together with a copy of the diskette(s)
- containing the program(s) you wish to distribute, we will send you a copy of
- any major updates to our software. If you run a bulletin board, send us a
- diskette(s) containing the program(s) you wish to distribute, and your mailing
- address, and we will update the diskette and mail it back to you. Since all
- program copies are serialized by to whom they were originally sent, we are
- able to track registrations by vendor. As long as we receive registrations
- containing your number for any product, we will continue to provide you with
- updates for all products.
- If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints, please contact me:
- Bob Schenot
- Compass / New England
- Post Office Box 117
- Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03802-0117
- Voice: (603) 431 8030
- CIS: 70511,720
- ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
- Package Name: TimeTrac version 91f
- BBS/CIS Name: TTyys where yy is the year of release, s is the series within
- the year.
- Major Heading: Time Accounting (professional & cost accounting). TimeTrac
- appeals to accountants, lawyers, architects, field engineering
- organizations, and corporate staff functions.
- Source Language: QB 4.5, QC 2.0
- Configuration: IBM PC-MS/DOS 3.0 or later, 200k memory, 330k disk, any
- monitor, math coprocessor optional
- First Release: 1990
- Purchase Price: $50
- Customer Support: 90 days with purchase; support agreement available.
- Key Words: Time Expense Tracking Logging Cost Accounting Interruptions Lawyer
- Accountant CPA Consultant Professional Laptop ASP Shareware TimeTrac
- Compass
- Description: Time & expense tracking. Real-time (TSR) or manual input.
- Provides flexible key structure & reporting, interrupted task tracking,
- multiple time tracking methods, partial & full report generation, export
- to spreadsheet & database programs, LAN & workgroup support, context
- sensitive help, complete manual on disk.
- TimeTrac is a time and expense logging system. Features include:
- Flexible key structure and reporting options
- Ability to track interrupted tasks
- Optional TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) mode which allows you to
- "pop up" over other applications to log your activities -- using a
- "hot key" or when the phone rings.
- Work group support either through a LAN (Local Area Network) or on
- remote portable computers.
- Export to spreadsheet, database, and accounting programs.
- And menu driven rules for computing time used.
- TimeTrac is different from other Time/Billing programs because it:
- Tracks and calculates time for an unlimited number of nested
- interruptions.
- Is not a billing system. This makes it appropriate for corporate staff
- charge-out systems, large professional firms who need to feed an
- existing billing system, and consultants who want to continue using
- word processing for billing.
- Uses menu-driven rules for the unit of time used, minimum amounts of
- time, and how time will be calculated.
- Integrates the time records of a group of people charging time to the
- same project with or without a LAN.
- Exports its data for analysis and processing to spreadsheet, database,
- word processing and accounting programs.
- Allows the user to define the key fields that will be used and how the
- reports will total and subtotal.
- TimeTrac is most appropriate for professionals who bill their time and
- for corporate staff people whose time is charged to projects. TimeTrac
- collects information to be fed into a billing or cost accounting system.
- It supports LAN and workgroup computing, and will export all records for
- a workgroup (whether on a LAN or on independent notebook computers) to a
- spreadsheet, database, or accounting program.
- This program offers great flexibility in customization of up to four key
- fields. You may use an alphabetic key, such as last names, or an integer
- key, such as a whole number, or a field that is justified around a
- special character. In addition, you can have your own key titles on the
- data field and reports, so that the users of the system will not have to
- "translate" from your current system.
- TimeTrac will keep track of multiple (nested) interruptions. This means
- that you can begin doing something, be interrupted, have that
- interruption interrupted, and still keep track of how the time was used.
- This is particularly useful when you begin a project but answer the phone
- during that same time period.
- Since TimeTrac uses clock time, the program (or even the computer) does
- not have to be running in order to keep track of the time spent on an
- activity. This allows memory to be used for large programs, such as
- complex spreadsheets, allows for both corrections and manual input to the
- time records, and allows the use of portable computers for field work.
- Alternatively, the program can be used as a 6k TSR.
- TimeTrac will track time by any number of whole minutes between one and
- sixty. It rounds, truncates, or appends partial units. It will also
- compute a minimum amount of time.
- Reports can be totalled and subtotalled by key, and partial reports can
- be produced for a specific date or key range.
- TimeTrac includes its own screen blanker, so you may leave the program
- running for long periods without etching your screen.
- Complete documentation for TimeTrac is embedded in the program; simply
- press the F1 (help) key twice, and it will appear. The manual can be
- printed by pressing one additional key.
- Site License Available: Yes
- ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
- Package Name: PC Canary version 91g
- BBS/CIS Name: CYyys where yy is the year of release, s is the series within
- the year.
- Major Heading: Utility / Virus
- Source Language: QB 4.5
- Configuration: IBM PC-MS/DOS 2.1 or later, 200k memory, 300k disk, any
- monitor, math coprocessor optional
- First Release: 1991
- Purchase Price: $19.95
- Customer Support: 90 days with purchase; support agreement available.
- Key Words: Virus Detector Alarm COMMAND.COM ASP Shareware PC Canary Compass
- Description: Virus alarm which detects modifications to .EXE, .DAT and
- COMMAND.COM files. Installs easily and does not modify files, allowing
- its use with other security programs. Allows DOS upgrades. Named for
- miner's canary whose death signalled invisible toxic fumes.
- For centuries, miners have brought a canary down into the mines with
- them. They do not do this for the company or for the music; they do it
- because a canary will die from small amounts of deadly gasses prior to
- the miner feeling adverse effects. Installed and used properly, PC
- Canary may be one of the first programs to become infected by a computer
- virus, and will give you enough warning to eradicate the virus and
- recover before the virus does serious damage.
- PC Canary is a virus alarm. It checks itself, its associated
- documentation file, and the comspec (COMMAND.COM) for changes in length
- or content using a proprietary technology that identifies the location of
- the changes for analysis purposes. Unlike other virus programs, PC
- Canary does not use a signature table to identify viruses; this allows it
- to react to viruses that haven't even been written yet. PC Canary is
- appropriate for use as a backup to a signature table virus alarm, or in
- situations where regular updating of the anti-virus software is not
- practical.
- PC Canary is different from other anti-virus programs by offering:
- * Low maintenance. Since it detects the effects, rather than the
- signature of a virus, it is not necessary to constantly update the
- software for new virus strains.
- * Low overhead. It is not memory-resident, and so does not require
- CPU cycles and memory. Since it need scan only a limited number of
- files for known results, it takes little processing time as compared
- to programs that scan all files for matches on a signature table of
- more than 200 possible viruses.
- * Low false alarm rate. PC Canary will sound the alarm only if it,
- its data file, or COMMAND.COM is actually changed. It does not
- respond to "suspicious" activity and understands that COMMAND.COM
- changes when DOS is upgraded.
- Site License Available: Yes
- ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
- PLEASE NOTE: RealShar is a DEMO. If you do not use DEMOS, you do not need to
- read any further. It is a DEMO and NOT SHAREWARE because custom
- modifications must be made prior to installation in order to hook up with
- the local computerized Multiple Listing System, each of which has a
- slightly unique interface. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE THE REGISTER.DOC FILE
- Package Name: RealShar version 91f
- BBS/CIS Name: RSyysr where yy is the year of release, s is the series within
- the year.
- Major Heading: Real Estate (brokers)
- Configuration: IBM PC-MS/DOS 2.1 or later, 200k memory, 350k disk, any
- monitor, math coprocessor optional
- First Release: 1991
- Purchase Price: $399, site license available
- Customer Support: 90 days with purchase; support agreement available.
- Key Words: Real Estate Realtor MLS Broker Market Share Segmentation Property
- Management Ranking Appraiser RealShar Compass
- Description: Market share/segmentation analysis program for real estate
- brokers. Uses MLS data to report List, Sold & Direct sides, Average
- Price, Days on Market & Price Ratio by date, town, property type, price
- range, agent or office, two optional fields. Demo.
- RealShar analyses data from a Multiple Listing Service and produces
- Market Share Reports by date range, price range, area, class, type, and
- key word as defined by the Multiple Listing System. Offices and/or
- agents can be tracked by sides (listings, sales, direct, or total),
- volume (total dollars, either absolute or as a percentage of the market),
- average price, average days on market, or price ratio.
- The information provided by this program is an aid in market segmentation
- planning, solicitation of clients, mergers, and recruiting.
- Reports include:
- Active Listings
- Aged Active Listings
- Listings Submitted in a Date Range
- Current Status of Listings
- Active Pending Sales
- Expired Listings
- Cancelled/Withdrawn Listings
- Sold Property
- Rented Property